Find your federal government job


USAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. As the federal government’s official employment site, USAJOBS helps the right people find the right jobs.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive job search: Users can search for federal job opportunities by keyword, location, agency, job category, and other filters.
  • Job application process: The website guides users through the entire application process, including creating a profile, uploading resumes and documents, and submitting applications to specific job announcements.
  • Job alerts and notifications: Users can set up job alerts and receive notifications about new job openings that match their interests and preferences.
  • Resume builder: USAJOBS offers a resume builder tool to help users create and format their federal resumes according to the required standards.
  • Resources and information: The website provides extensive resources and information about working for the federal government, including guides on the hiring process, eligibility requirements, and career development opportunities.

Job Board Type




Job board Information

Year Founded


Pricing Model

  • Free


Score breakdown

USAJOBS has received 0 reviews with an average rating of out of 5


Very good0%




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