
The UK’s leading independent job board

About CV-Library

Start your job search with live UK vacancies

CV-Library is an award-winning job board that helps companies of all sizes and industries to hire faster, for less. Offering a wealth of recruitment products, including access to our database of 19 million CVs and a range of job-posting options, employers and agencies can find permanent, graduate, contract and freelance candidates on one easy-to-use site! We’re known for our market-leading innovations, with inspired hiring solutions such as targeted CPM Display Advertising and Pay for Performance recruitment packages. You can find these products and more here: To find out how CV-Library can help you find the best candidates, call our friendly team on 01252 810995 or visit

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JobLay is a FREE discovery platform (directory) for job boards, tools and resources for job seekers and recruiters. Browse our curated collection and start your career journey today.

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