
Tech jobs you want at companies you admire

About Dice

Dice’s tech-focused career marketplace enables direct, meaningful connections between recruiters and technologists. Our connection tools, unrivaled matching capabilities, and branding opportunities speed up the vetting process, reduce time-to-hire and establish trust, making it easy to build a talent pipeline for current and future roles.

We empower you with:

– Real-time connections via instant messaging. Connect with job applicants and target profiles in TalentSearch to immediately reach the most suitable tech candidates.

– Powerful tools including branded company pages, targeted marketing efforts, and a recruiter profile to detail your corporate and hiring philosophy, areas of strength in tech, status updates, upcoming events, and additional hiring needs.

– The most complete technologist information to assist in sourcing, featuring the most detailed candidate profiles with an overview of skills, experiences, titles and preferences. – Best-in-class AI, personalized to your company and hiring requirements, designed to filter candidates to deliver the best matches.

– More transparency in your interactions with our user-friendly layout, which enables you to quickly understand a technologist’s experience and goals, while also sharing your background and building credibility with your recruiter profile.

Job Board Type




Pricing Model

  • Pay Per Post




Score breakdown

Dice has received 0 reviews with an average rating of out of 5


Very good0%




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JobLay is a FREE discovery platform (directory) for job boards, tools and resources for job seekers and recruiters. Browse our curated collection and start your career journey today.

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